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Swipe Gesture

Detect swipe gestures based on their distance and duration.

Authors and contributors to this community extension: E1e5en, VictrisGames.

Use the "Enable swipe detection" action at the beginning of your scene.

Note: This extension does NOT support multitouch.


  • StartX, StartY: Position where the swipe started
  • EndX, EndY: Position where the swipe ended
  • Distance: Length of the swipe, in pixels
  • DistanceX, DistanceY: Distance the swipe moved in each axis
  • Angle: Direction the swipe moved towards. Range (-180, 180)
  • Layer: Layer used to detect swipe gestures


  • Is swipe detection enabled
  • Is swipe in progress? - A swipe starts when the mouse click or touch begins
  • Has swipe just ended? - When the mouse or touch is released, this condition is true for one frame
  • Swipe moved in a direction (4-way movement) - the direction value for 4 sides (UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT). In this case, the “circle” is divided into 4 segments of 90 degrees
  • Swipe moved in a direction (8-way movement) - the direction value for 8 sides (UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, UP-LEFT, UP-RIGHT, DOWN-LEFT, DOWN-RIGHT). In this case, the “circle” is divided into 8 segments of 45 degrees.


Learn how to install new extensions by following a step-by-step guide.


Draw swipe gesture
Draw a line that indicates the current swipe gesture. Edit "Outline Size" of the shape painter to adjust the thickness of the line.

Enable (or disable) swipe gesture detection
Enable (or disable) swipe gesture detection.

Layer used to detect swipe gestures
Change the Layer used to detect swipe gestures.


Swipe angle (degrees)
Compare Swipe angle (degrees).

Swipe distance (pixels)
Compare Swipe distance (pixels).

Swipe distance in horizontal direction (pixels)
Compare Swipe distance in horizontal direction (pixels).

Swipe distance in vertical direction (pixels)
Compare Swipe distance in vertical direction (pixels).

Swipe duration (seconds)
Compare Swipe duration (seconds).

End point of the swipe X position
Compare End point of the swipe X position.

End point of the swipe Y position
Compare End point of the swipe Y position.

Swipe just ended
Check if the swipe has just ended.

Is swipe detection enabled
Check if swipe detection is enabled.

Swipe is in progress
Check if a swipe is currently in progress.

Layer used to detect swipe gestures
Compare the Layer used to detect swipe gestures.

Start point of the swipe X position
Compare Start point of the swipe X position.

Start point of the swipe Y position
Compare Start point of the swipe Y position.

Swipe moved in a direction (4-way movement)
Check if swipe moved in a given direction.

Swipe moved in a direction (8-way movement)
Check if swipe moved in a given direction.


Expression Description
SwipeGesture::Angle() Return Swipe angle (degrees).
SwipeGesture::Distance() Return Swipe distance (pixels).
SwipeGesture::DistanceX() Return Swipe distance in horizontal direction (pixels).
SwipeGesture::DistanceY() Return Swipe distance in vertical direction (pixels).
SwipeGesture::Duration() Return Swipe duration (seconds).
SwipeGesture::EndX() Return End point of the swipe X position.
SwipeGesture::EndY() Return End point of the swipe Y position.
SwipeGesture::Layer() Return the Layer used to detect swipe gestures.
SwipeGesture::StartX() Return Start point of the swipe X position.
SwipeGesture::StartY() Return Start point of the swipe Y position.

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Swipe Gesture extension, made by the community of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop community-made extensions here.