Extension Best Practices
These are some guidelines that make extensions easy to use, modify and update. They have to be respected to be submitted to the community.
Fill extension options
Name extensions
The extension name is sensitive to the case. The extension name should be written in PascalCase, use full words unless the abbreviation is somewhat standard, clear, and concise. They should not contain suffixes such as Extension
, Support
, Feature
, etc...
- ❌
- ❌
- ❌
- ❌
- ✅
Full name
The full name should ideally be the same as the internal name but with spaces instead of PascalCase. It may be a more detailed one though, as long as the relationship with the Name is clear. It should stay relatively short, the long description is here to explain what the extension does exactly, the full name is only to help find it in the events sheet editor.
- ❌ Name = SpriteCamera, Full Name = Layers management tool
- ❌ Name = ColorTools, Full Name = Utilities for color handling collection
- ✅ Name = ColorTools, Full Name = Color tools
- ✅ Name = WebSocketClient, Full Name = WebSocket networking client
Update extension version numbers
The version number should follow semantic versioning. This means that the version should be in the number.number.number
format. When you make an update to the extension, those criteria should be followed while increasing the version number:
- If your changes are just a bug fix or internal change that doesn't change how the user uses your extension, increase by 1 the patch version.
- If your changes are adding new functionality to the extension, increase the minor version by 1.
- If your changes are breaking, increase the major version by 1. Breaking changes mean that if a user installs the update it may not behave or work exactly the same as before, for example, if an "explosion" action multiplies the force by 2 after the update where it multiplied by 3 before, the name of an expression, action or condition changed, the removal of an action condition or expression or the order of parameters have changed.
- If the minor version is changed, you must reset the patch version to 0.
- If the major version is changed, you must reset the patch and minor version to 0.
- While an extension is still in review, there is no need to change the version number after each change proposed by the review.
Examples: Bug fix update:
- ❌ 0.1.0 -> 0.2.0
- ❌ 1.2.3 -> 1.3.4
- ✅ 0.0.0 -> 0.0.1
- ✅ 1.2.0 -> 1.2.1
- ✅ 1.2.3 -> 1.2.4
Feature update:
- ❌ 1.2.3 -> 1.3.4
- ❌ 0.2.3 -> 0.3.3
- ✅ 0.0.0 -> 0.1.0
- ✅ 1.2.0 -> 1.3.0
- ✅ 1.2.3 -> 1.3.0
Breaking change update:
- ❌ 1.0.0 -> 3.0.0
- ❌ 1.2.3 -> 2.1.3
- ✅ 0.0.0 -> 1.0.0
- ✅ 0.2.3 -> 1.0.0
- ✅ 1.2.0 -> 2.0.0
- ✅ 1.2.3 -> 2.0.0
Write descriptions
All of the descriptions, names, and sentences should be filled out. They should be all grammatically correct and serious-sounding full English sentences.
Write extension descriptions
The short description should describe your extension in a short (one or two sentences) yet straightforward way. For the extension long description, Markdown syntax can be used.
- Backticks should be surrounding expression names so that they appear in a monospaced font.
- The description should include a list of functionality added by your extension.
- If your extension needs a special setup to work, it should be described.
- You can also add screenshots, by uploading an image to a site and using the markdown image syntax to include the image, for example:

Choose tags
An extension should have tags describing what it does. For example, an extension that changes the color of a single pixel of a sprite could have as tags pixel, color, sprite
Link a documentation
The Help URL should always point to a piece of documentation, preferably on the GDevelop wiki. It should not point to the author's website or the extension's website. It is not necessary to have a help URL for submitting an extension, but it is strongly recommended.
Describe extension definitions
Name actions and conditions
Use PascalCase
for actions, conditions, expression, function and parameter names.
- For example, name your action: "SetRangeOfAttack", and the expression: "RangeOfAttack".
You might wonder if you should rather make a condition or an expression. While a condition is a good idea to have, an expression is more flexible. In the future, we'll introduce expressions that are automatically generated as conditions too.
Don't use abbreviations
Ensure all your descriptions are written in English. Make clear sentences for actions/conditions displayed in the events sheet, the sentence in the description have always a dot at the end.
Use affirmative tense
Action and condition sentences are always in the affirmative tense. Conditions are testing for something, and it's implied that they are "questions".
- For example: don't name a condition "Is the camera shaking?". Instead, name it "Camera is shaking".
- For example: don't name a condition "The ad is displayed to the user". Instead name it "Ad displayed" or "Ad is displayed" (or maybe "Ad displayed on-screen" but prefer to stay concise).
Be oriented toward everyone not just programmers
For descriptions of conditions, don't write "Return true if ...", because this is heavily oriented toward programmers. Instead in GDevelop, we use the more generic "Check if ...".
- For example: instead of "Return TRUE if the race is finished", write "Check if the race is finished."
- For example: instead of "This will return false if the player is not jumping.", write "Check if the player is jumping."
For actions that are enabling or disabling something, use a boolean (Yes/No or True/False) parameter.
- For example: instead of two actions "Check the checkbox" and "Uncheck the checkbox", make a single action "Check (or uncheck) the checkbox", with a "Yes/No" parameter. For the sentence in the Events Sheet, use something like
Check the checkbox: _PARAM0_
. - For example: instead of two actions to enable or disable something, make a single action "Enable (or disable) something". For the sentence, enter:
Enable something: _PARAM0_
Write expressions
Name expressions
For expression names, don't prefix them with Get
- as it's implied in all expressions that they are getter. For example, name them Health
, not GetHealth
or PlayerBestScore
not GetPlayerBestScore
Choose expression types
There are two types of expressions currently: expression (returning a number) and string expression (returning a string). Be sure to return the proper value (return a text for a string expression) - don't mix text with expression or numbers with string expressions.
Understand when to use conditions
Don't make expressions returning a boolean. Make a condition for it - for now, GDevelop does not support boolean expressions.
- For example, instead of making an expression "Disabled" that would return 1 if something is disabled, and 0 otherwise, make a condition "IsDisabled".
Write custom Behaviors
- Describe how to use them (including any requirement on the object).
- For the properties:
- If they are booleans, use for the name a description of what they do when true. Don't write "If true, activate the power-up". Instead, just write "Activate power-up".
- Add units, when required, e.g:
Timer (in second)
orOffset X (in pixel)
- Whenever possible, you should use a hidden behavior property instead of an object variable.
Understand when to use a custom behavior
When an operation with an object needs to be done over more than one frame., you should use a behavior over a function, as they are cleaner and easier to use for users. For example, if you are making a teleport extension that just sets the X and Y once and that's it, you can make it a function. If it is first starting a timer and after a specific time frame changes the position, then the action is not instant anymore but needs to call events over the next frames. If you are using a behavior, this is made invisible thanks to a lifetime behavior function, if you were not using it you would have to force the user to call your function each frame, which is confusing and inconvenient for the user as an action is supposed to serve it's purpose immediately the moment you tell it to.
Write events in the extension
Name variables
- Name your variable in
- Use a descriptive name
- Bad example:
- Good example:
- Bad example:
- Store variables in a structure variable. This simply means that you name all of your variables using the
format. - For example, a "Camera zoom" extension would use the prefix
. If you want to use a variable named "ZoomValue", it should be named like this:
This naming convention has several benefits. First, it will make it easier to use the debugger because all extension variables will be collapsed under their extension name. Secondly, it will reduce the chance of name collisions with variables created by the game developer.
On a related topic, extension users should only be using an extension through conditions, actions, and expressions provided by the extension developer. They should not be expected to access extension variables directly.
Hidden properties should be used in behavior events in place of variables. Variables can still be used when child variables must be used.
Name timers
- Name your timers in
- Prefix the timer names by
. Use a long variable name, with a prefix containing your extension name, to be sure they are not overridden by the user of the extension or another extension.
For example, a timer named "DoorDuration" in the "Door Management" extension would be named:
Check platform compatibility
If your extension uses some capabilities related to the operating system or the platform, verify that it works on all platforms supported by GDevelop: web browsers, desktop (check at least on Windows, macOS, or Linux after an export), and Android (check after an export).
If it is really not possible to make the extension work on some platforms, then the extension must follow extra guidelines:
- It cannot crash or break the game when ran on an unsupported platform
- The extension must specify in it's full name the platforms it supports, e.g. a PC-only extension would need to append
(Windows, mac, linux)
to its full name
JavaScript Usage
JavaScript can be used using JavaScript Code events, but we try to avoid it when making extensions. Extensions are meant to be editable by any GDevelop user, and an extension made in events would stay compatible if we were to make a new native non-JavaScript engine. Object picking with normal events is also generally more optimized than most handwritten JavaScript code. For those purposes, we try as much as possible to keep extensions in classic events, with no JavaScript.
If you have to store javascript variables/functions, store these on the global gdjs
object, inside a namespace
of the same name as your extension. For example, for an extension offering features related to controllers:
gdjs._controllerExtension = {};
gdjs._controllerExtension.myMethod = function (arguments) {
// ...
That is because gdjs
is the only guaranteed global object, but you don't want to accidentally override other functions/internals present on that namespace as well.
When you declare a new namespace in gdjs, you must declare it in the file:
Handle errors
Unhandled JavaScript can cause a crash of the game, or at least the game loop iteration not being finished properly. Those can be raised by functions, but also by syntax errors or usage of APIs that are not present on the current platform. To avoid crashes, always
- Handle errors with
try {} catch {}
blocks - Try out every code path to make sure that none crash the game because of a syntax error
- Always check if an API exists before using it to avoid a crash (e.g. before using
, check iftypeof localStorage !== "undefined"
Extensions with crashes will not be accepted.
No usage of DOM elements. If you do, use a specific tag.
Don't use DOM APIs (createElement
, etc...) because they are only working in a browser and it's not guaranteed games will run in a browser environment.
If you do, add the tag "DOM apis
" (exactly written as this) on the extension.
No usage of private methods or variables (starting with _)
Any method that has an underscore in front of its name, like runtimeScene._updateLayersCameraCoordinates
or runtimeScene._layersCameraCoordinates
, can not be used.
The underscore denotes a private variable/method. It can change in the next version, be renamed, be changed, or be suppressed. It will happen and if an extension using this is becoming incompatible, it will need to be fixed in a few days or deleted.
In all cases, this will create a bad user experience for GDevelop users.
Can I still do it for X/Y/Z? No. But if you're really stuck, open a discussion on GitHub so we can find an alternative, or ask on Discord if other community members using JavaScript have an idea how to do what you need. In most cases, the public API will have enough for you to do what you need!