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Shock wave effect

Draw shock wave.

Authors and contributors to this community extension: Alios.

Draw ellipse or star shaped shock waves.

Shock wave animations can be used for:

  • Explosions
  • Water effects
  • Player feedback


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Ellipse shock wave

Draw ellipse shock waves.

Behavior actions

Change the duration of the animation.

Change the easing of the animation.

End angle
Change the end angle of the object.

End Color
Change the end Color of the object.

End height
Change the end height of the object.

End Opacity
Change the end Opacity of the object.

End outline thickness
Change the end outline thickness of the object.

End width
Change the end width of the object.

Enable filling
Enable or disable the filling of the shape.

Start angle
Change the start angle of the object.

Start color
Change the start color of the object.

Start height
Change the start height of the object.

Start opacity
Change the start opacity of the object.

Start outline thickness
Change the start outline of the object.

Start width
Change the start width of the object.

Behavior conditions

Compare the duration of the animation.

Compare the easing of the animation.

End angle
Compare the end angle of the object.

End Color
Compare the end Color of the object.

End height
Compare the end height of the object.

End Opacity
Compare the end Opacity of the object.

End outline thickness
Compare the end outline thickness of the object.

End width
Compare the end width of the object.

Shape filled
Check if the shape is filled.

Start angle
Compare the start angle of the object.

Start color
Compare the start color of the object.

Start height
Compare the start height of the object.

Start opacity
Compare the start opacity of the object.

Start outline thickness
Compare the start outline of the object.

Start width
Compare the start width of the object.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.EllipseShockWave::Duration() Return the duration of the animation.
Object.EllipseShockWave::Easing() Return the easing of the animation.
Object.EllipseShockWave::EndAngle() Return the end angle of the object.
Object.EllipseShockWave::EndColor() Return the end Color of the object.
Object.EllipseShockWave::EndHeight() Return the end height of the object.
Object.EllipseShockWave::EndOpacity() Return the end Opacity of the object.
Object.EllipseShockWave::EndOutlineThickness() Return the end outline thickness of the object.
Object.EllipseShockWave::EndWidth() Return the end width of the object.
Object.EllipseShockWave::StartAngle() Return the start angle of the object.
Object.EllipseShockWave::StartColor() Return the start color of the object.
Object.EllipseShockWave::StartHeight() Return the start height of the object.
Object.EllipseShockWave::StartOpacity() Return the start opacity of the object.
Object.EllipseShockWave::StartOutlineThickness() Return the start outline of the object.
Object.EllipseShockWave::StartWidth() Return the start width of the object.

Star shock waves

Draw star shock waves.

Behavior actions

Change the duration of the animation.

Change the easing of the animation.

End angle
Change the end angle of the object.

End color
Change the end color of the object.

End inner radius
Change the end inner radius of the object.

End opacity
Change the end opacity of the object.

End outline thickness
Change the end outline thickness of the object.

End radius
Change the end radius of the object.

Enable filling
Enable or disable the filling of the shape.

Number of points
Change the number of points of the star.

Start angle
Change the start angle of the object.

Start color
Change the start color of the object.

Start inner radius
Change the start inner radius of the object.

Start opacity
Change the start opacity of the object.

Start outline thickness
Change the start outline thickness of the object.

Start radius
Change the start radius of the object.

Behavior conditions

Compare the duration of the animation.

Compare the easing of the animation.

End angle
Compare the end angle of the object.

End color
Compare the end color of the object.

End inner radius
Compare the end inner radius of the object.

End opacity
Compare the end opacity of the object.

End outline thickness
Compare the end outline thickness of the object.

End radius
Compare the end radius of the object.

Shape filled
Check if the shape is filled.

Number of points
Compare the number of points of the star.

Start angle
Compare the start angle of the object.

Start color
Compare the start color of the object.

Start inner radius
Compare the start inner radius of the object.

Start opacity
Compare the start opacity of the object.

Start outline thickness
Compare the start outline thickness of the object.

Start radius
Compare the start radius of the object.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.StarShockWave::Duration() Return the duration of the animation.
Object.StarShockWave::Easing() Return the easing of the animation.
Object.StarShockWave::EndAngle() Return the end angle of the object.
Object.StarShockWave::EndColor() Return the end color of the object.
Object.StarShockWave::EndInnerRadius() Return the end inner radius of the object.
Object.StarShockWave::EndOpacity() Return the end opacity of the object.
Object.StarShockWave::EndOutlineThickness() Return the end outline thickness of the object.
Object.StarShockWave::EndRadius() Return the end radius of the object.
Object.StarShockWave::PointsCount() Return the number of points of the star.
Object.StarShockWave::StartAngle() Return the start angle of the object.
Object.StarShockWave::StartColor() Return the start color of the object.
Object.StarShockWave::StartInnerRadius() Return the start inner radius of the object.
Object.StarShockWave::StartOpacity() Return the start opacity of the object.
Object.StarShockWave::StartOutlineThickness() Return the start outline thickness of the object.
Object.StarShockWave::StartRadius() Return the start radius of the object.

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Shock wave effect extension, made by the community of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop community-made extensions here.