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Network Reference

Features to send web requests, communicate with external "APIs" and other network related tasks. Read more explanations about it.


Enable (or disable) metrics collection
Enable, or disable, the sending of anonymous data used to compute the number of sessions and other metrics from your game players.
Be sure to only send metrics if in accordance with the terms of service of your game and if they player gave their consent, depending on how your game/company handles this.

Open a URL (web page) or a file
This action launches the specified file or URL, in a browser (or in a new tab if the game is using the Web platform and is launched inside a browser).

Send a request to a web page
Send an asynchronous request to the specified web page.

Please note that for the web games, the game must be hosted on the same host as specified below, except if the server is configured to answer to all requests (cross-domain requests).

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Network feature of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop features here.