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Linked objects Reference

These actions and conditions allow to virtually link two objects. It's then useful in the events to quickly retrieve one or more objects attached to another. For example, this can be used to link some equipment objects with the character holding them. More generally, this can be used to store and retrieve objects in a way that is more efficient than using variables. Read more explanations about it.


Link two objects
Link two objects together, so as to be able to get one from the other.

Take into account linked objects
Take objects linked to the object into account for next actions.

Unlink all objects from an object
Unlink all objects from an object.

Unlink two objects
Unlink two objects.


Take into account linked objects
Take some objects linked to the object into account for next conditions and actions.
The condition will return false if no object was taken into account.

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Linked objects feature of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop features here.