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Button states and effects

Use any object as a button and change appearance according to user interactions.

Authors and contributors to this community extension: D8H, VictrisGames.

Use the "Button states" behavior to track user interactions with an object, including:

  • Hovered
  • Pressed
  • Clicked
  • Idle

Add additional behaviors to make juicy buttons with animated responses to user input:

  • Size
  • Color
  • Animation
  • Object effects



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Button animation

Change the animation of buttons according to their state.

Behavior actions

Focused state animation name
Change the focused state animation name of the object. The state is Focused when the button is hovered or held outside.

Idle state animation name
Change the idle state animation name of the object.

Pressed state animation name
Change the pressed state animation name of the object.

Behavior conditions

Focused state animation name
Compare the focused state animation name of the object. The state is Focused when the button is hovered or held outside.

Idle state animation name
Compare the idle state animation name of the object.

Pressed state animation name
Compare the pressed state animation name of the object.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.ButtonAnimationName::FocusedAnimationName() Return the focused state animation name of the object. The state is Focused when the button is hovered or held outside.
Object.ButtonAnimationName::IdleAnimationName() Return the idle state animation name of the object.
Object.ButtonAnimationName::PressedAnimationName() Return the pressed state animation name of the object.

Button color tint tween

Smoothly change the color tint of buttons according to their state.

Behavior actions

Fade-in duration
Change the fade-in duration of the object.

Fade-in easing
Change the fade-in easing of the object.

Fade-out duration
Change the fade-out duration of the object.

Fade-out easing
Change the fade-out easing of the object.

Focused state color tint
Change the focused state color tint of the object. The state is Focused when the button is hovered or held outside.

Idle state color tint
Change the idle state color tint of the object.

Pressed state color tint
Change the pressed state color tint of the object.

Behavior conditions

Fade-in duration
Compare the fade-in duration of the object.

Fade-in easing
Compare the fade-in easing of the object.

Fade-out duration
Compare the fade-out duration of the object.

Fade-out easing
Compare the fade-out easing of the object.

Focused state color tint
Compare the focused state color tint of the object. The state is Focused when the button is hovered or held outside.

Idle state color tint
Compare the idle state color tint of the object.

Pressed state color tint
Compare the pressed state color tint of the object.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.ButtonColorTintTween::FadeInDuration() Return the fade-in duration of the object.
Object.ButtonColorTintTween::FadeInEasing() Return the fade-in easing of the object.
Object.ButtonColorTintTween::FadeOutDuration() Return the fade-out duration of the object.
Object.ButtonColorTintTween::FadeOutEasing() Return the fade-out easing of the object.
Object.ButtonColorTintTween::FocusedColorTint() Return the focused state color tint of the object. The state is Focused when the button is hovered or held outside.
Object.ButtonColorTintTween::IdleColorTint() Return the idle state color tint of the object.
Object.ButtonColorTintTween::PressedColorTint() Return the pressed state color tint of the object.

Button states

Use objects as buttons.

Behavior conditions

Is clicked
Check if the button was just clicked.

Is focused
Check if the button is either hovered or pressed but not hovered.

Is hovered
Check if the cursor is hovered over the button.

Is idle
Check if the button is not used.

Is pressed
Check if the button is currently being pressed with mouse or touch.

Is held outside
Check if the button is currently being pressed outside with mouse or touch.

Touch id
Compare the touch id that is using the button or 0 if none.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.ButtonFSM::TouchId() Return the touch id that is using the button or 0 if none.

Button object effect tween

Smoothly change an effect on buttons according to their state.

Behavior actions

Effect parameter
Change the effect parameter of the object. The effect parameter names can be found in the effects tab with the "Show parameter names" action of the drop down menu.

Fade-in duration
Change the fade-in duration of the object.

Fade-in easing
Change the fade-in easing of the object.

Fade-out duration
Change the fade-out duration of the object.

Fade-out easing
Change the fade-out easing of the object.

Focused effect parameter value
Change the focused effect parameter value of the object. The state is Focused when the button is hovered or held outside.

Idle effect parameter value
Change the idle effect parameter value of the object.

Pressed effect parameter value
Change the pressed effect parameter value of the object.

Behavior conditions

Effect name
Compare the effect name of the object.

Effect parameter
Compare the effect parameter of the object. The effect parameter names can be found in the effects tab with the "Show parameter names" action of the drop down menu.

Fade-in duration
Compare the fade-in duration of the object.

Fade-in easing
Compare the fade-in easing of the object.

Fade-out duration
Compare the fade-out duration of the object.

Fade-out easing
Compare the fade-out easing of the object.

Focused effect parameter value
Compare the focused effect parameter value of the object. The state is Focused when the button is hovered or held outside.

Idle effect parameter value
Compare the idle effect parameter value of the object.

Pressed effect parameter value
Compare the pressed effect parameter value of the object.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.ButtonObjectEffectTween::EffectName() Return the effect name of the object.
Object.ButtonObjectEffectTween::EffectProperty() Return the effect parameter of the object. The effect parameter names can be found in the effects tab with the "Show parameter names" action of the drop down menu.
Object.ButtonObjectEffectTween::FadeInDuration() Return the fade-in duration of the object.
Object.ButtonObjectEffectTween::FadeInEasing() Return the fade-in easing of the object.
Object.ButtonObjectEffectTween::FadeOutDuration() Return the fade-out duration of the object.
Object.ButtonObjectEffectTween::FadeOutEasing() Return the fade-out easing of the object.
Object.ButtonObjectEffectTween::FocusedValue() Return the focused effect parameter value of the object. The state is Focused when the button is hovered or held outside.
Object.ButtonObjectEffectTween::IdleValue() Return the idle effect parameter value of the object.
Object.ButtonObjectEffectTween::PressedValue() Return the pressed effect parameter value of the object.

Button object effects

Enable effects on buttons based on their state.

Behavior actions

Focused state effect
Change the focused state effect of the object. The state is Focused when the button is hovered or held outside.

Idle state effect
Change the idle state effect of the object.

Pressed state effect
Change the pressed state effect of the object.

Behavior conditions

Focused state effect
Compare the focused state effect of the object. The state is Focused when the button is hovered or held outside.

Idle state effect
Compare the idle state effect of the object.

Pressed state effect
Compare the pressed state effect of the object.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.ButtonObjectEffects::FocusedEffect() Return the focused state effect of the object. The state is Focused when the button is hovered or held outside.
Object.ButtonObjectEffects::IdleEffect() Return the idle state effect of the object.
Object.ButtonObjectEffects::PressedEffect() Return the pressed state effect of the object.

Button scale tween

Smoothly resize buttons according to their state.

Behavior actions

Fade-in duration
Change the fade-in duration of the object.

Fade-in easing
Change the fade-in easing of the object.

Fade-out duration
Change the fade-out duration of the object.

Fade-out easing
Change the fade-out easing of the object.

Focused state size scale
Change the focused state size scale of the object. The state is Focused when the button is hovered or held outside.

Idle state size scale
Change the idle state size scale of the object.

Pressed state size scale
Change the pressed state size scale of the object.

Behavior conditions

Fade-in duration
Compare the fade-in duration of the object.

Fade-in easing
Compare the fade-in easing of the object.

Fade-out duration
Compare the fade-out duration of the object.

Fade-out easing
Compare the fade-out easing of the object.

Focused state size scale
Compare the focused state size scale of the object. The state is Focused when the button is hovered or held outside.

Idle state size scale
Compare the idle state size scale of the object.

Pressed state size scale
Compare the pressed state size scale of the object.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.ButtonScaleTween::FadeInDuration() Return the fade-in duration of the object.
Object.ButtonScaleTween::FadeInEasing() Return the fade-in easing of the object.
Object.ButtonScaleTween::FadeOutDuration() Return the fade-out duration of the object.
Object.ButtonScaleTween::FadeOutEasing() Return the fade-out easing of the object.
Object.ButtonScaleTween::FocusedScale() Return the focused state size scale of the object. The state is Focused when the button is hovered or held outside.
Object.ButtonScaleTween::IdleScale() Return the idle state size scale of the object.
Object.ButtonScaleTween::PressedScale() Return the pressed state size scale of the object.

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Button states and effects extension, made by the community of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop community-made extensions here.