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Text manipulation Reference

Provides expressions to manipulate strings (also called texts).


Expression Description
FromCodePoint(number) Get character from code point
🔢 Number Code point
NewLine() Insert a new line
StrAt(string, number) Get a character from a text
string Text
🔢 Number Position of the character (the first letter is at position 0)
StrFind(string, string) Search in a text (return the position of the result or -1 if not found)
string Text
string Text to search for
StrFindFrom(string, string, number) Search in a text, starting from a position (return the position of the result or -1 if not found)
string Text
string Text to search for
🔢 Number Position of the first character in the string to be considered in the search
StrFindLast(string, string) Search the last occurrence in a string (return the position of the result, from the beginning of the string, or -1 if not found)
string Text
string Text to search for
StrFindLastFrom(string, string, number) Search in a text the last occurrence, starting from a position (return the position of the result, from the beginning of the string, or -1 if not found)
string Text
string Text to search for
🔢 Number Position of the last character in the string to be considered in the search
StrLength(string) Length of a text
string Text
StrRepeat(string, number) Repeat a text
string Text to repeat
🔢 Number Repetition count
SubStr(string, number, number) Get a portion of a text
string Text
🔢 Number Start position of the portion (the first letter is at position 0)
🔢 Number Length of the portion
ToLowerCase(string) Lowercase a text
string Text
ToUpperCase(string) Uppercase a text
string Text

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Text manipulation feature of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop features here.