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Conversion Reference

Expressions to convert number, texts and quantities. Read more explanations about it.


Convert JSON to object variable
Parse a JSON object and store it into an object variable

Convert JSON to a variable
Parse a JSON object and store it into a variable


Expression Description
LargeNumberToString(number) Convert the result of the expression to text, without using the scientific notation
🔢 Number Expression to be converted to text
ObjectVarToJSON(object, object variable) Convert an object variable to JSON
👾 Object The object with the variable
🗄️ Object variable The object variable to be stringified
ToDeg(number) Converts the angle, expressed in radians, into degrees
🔢 Number Angle, in radians
ToJSON(variable) Convert a variable to JSON
🗄️ Any variable The variable to be stringified
ToNumber(string) Convert the text to a number
string Text to convert to a number
ToRad(number) Converts the angle, expressed in degrees, into radians
🔢 Number Angle, in degrees
ToString(number) Convert the result of the expression to text
🔢 Number Expression to be converted to text

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Conversion feature of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop features here.