CrazyGames SDK Extension
This extension allows games to be hosted on the CrazyGames website and display modules in games such as ads, banners, and various functionalities offered by CrazyGames.
Please refer to the CrazyGames SDK documentation to learn how to set up compatible environments for games and to get tips about development and testing with their QA Tool.
Try the CrazyGames SDK demo
A demo project showcases the features from the CrazyGames SDK in GDevelop. The project can be exported as an HTML5 game, then imported in the QA Tool on CrazyGames Developer Portal when submitting a new game on their platform.
Display Video Ads
A video ad filling the entire game screen can be displayed using the Display video ad action. An ad can either be "midgame"
or "rewarded"
Midgame: Show an advertisement when a user dies, a level has been completed, etc.
Rewarded: An advertisement that can be requested by the user in exchange for a reward (an additional life, a retry when the user dies, a bonus starting item, extra starting health, etc.). Rewarded ads should be shown when users explicitly consent to watch an advertisement.
When testing your game in CrazyGames' QA Tool, midgame ads won’t work, only rewarded ads will. You must really submit your game in their Developer environment. After this, test again in the QA Tool. The ads should now work. This is the only way to test midgame ads in your game.
You can use the Video ad just finished playing condition to resume the game after the end of the ad.
Adblock detection
CrazyGames games must be playable even if an ad blocker exists. To avoid blocking in your game, you can use the Ad blocker is detected condition, or use it to restrict certain parts of your game while warning your players that by deactivating their blocker they will be able to access the rest of the content.
Request a Banner
An ad banner can be placed with X and Y position and use a part of the game screen according to some static dimensions such as: 970x90
, 320x50
, 160x600
, 336x280
, 728x90
, 300x600
, 468x60
, 970x250
, 300x250
, 250x250
, 120x600
A banner can be called only once per 60 seconds. If a banner is called before the delay, an error is returned in the debugger and is also readable with the Get last error expression, which return a string.
Clearing the Banners
There are two possible actions for clearing banners:
- Delete all the banners in game.
- Delete a banner by its name.
Game Settings
The game can have setting(s) for:
Setting | Expression | |
Is the chat disabled | See the expression in the references. |
Gameplay start/stop
Some actions or events are triggered automatically and can be used to track when and how users are playing your games. You can get the stats directly on the CrazyGames game dashboard.
The Gameplay Start action has to be called whenever the player starts playing or resumes playing after a break (menu/loading/achievement screen, game paused, etc.).
The Gameplay Stop action has to be called on every game break (entering a menu, switching levels, pausing the game, etc.). Don't forget to call the Gameplay Start when the gameplay resumes.
Happy Time
Celebrate special moments in the game with sparkling confetti. Celebrate the defeat of a boss, reaching a new high score, or something big.
Multiplayer Features
Games can be joined directly in multiplayer mode.
Use the expression Is instantly joining a lobby to determine if the player should be forwarded directly to a game lobby or multiplayer mode.
If the expression returns true, your game should immediately switch to multiplayer mode.
Invite Link
Returns a URL to invite friends to join your game session. This URL can be added to the clipboard or displayed in the game to let the user select it.
Invite Button
Display on CrazyGames website a popup containing the invite link with a copy button. This is very useful in a multiplayer game to give a friend the possibility to join a session quickly.
The user conditions and actions are only usable on CrazyGames' website. Be sure to check the availability of their information once the user is logged.
Auth prompt
Use the action Show CrazyGames login window to ask the player to log in to the game before getting their information for the multiplayer.
Check availability
The Is user account available is an expression that returns True when the player is playing on CrazyGames.
Retrieve user data
Use this action to fetch the user information/data from CrazyGames gaming platform.
When the SDK is loaded an automatic silent authentification is called, and when the action Retrieve user data is triggered there is also an automatic check for the authentification to ensure the player is logged, if not logged The Auth Prompt is called.
Once availability is confirmed and the user is logged in, the game can access the player's information:
- The Username
- The URL of the profile picture
- The system information (Country code, OS, browser, device)
- The user token (An encoded string of the user information, read more)
See the references to see how to use the expressions to get these informations.
Account link prompt
Show account link prompt action is made for supporting advanced account use cases, you'll need to handle account linking between the CrazyGames account and the other providers. Check User linking page to find out more about user account linking.
The data allows saving and retrieving user progress. The data will also be synced on all the devices where the user plays the game.
To save data, use the Save session data action. A parameter name will be requested to store your data and retrieve it via the Get user session data expression.
There is a 1MB data limit. And the save is made 1 second after the action to save is called. That can go up to 30 seconds if CrazyGames system detects abuse. Be careful not to perform this action on all frames.
In-game Purchase
CrazyGames has partnered with Xsolla to offer you the possibility to integrate in-game purchases only for users that are signed in with them. To do this, you must get in touch with CrazyGames.
Once you are invited, you can then get access to the Xsolla project dashboard and get a token from Xsolla to manage transactions in your game thank to the Generate Xsolla token that will get a fresh token for authentification that is valid 1 hour. We recommend that you retrieve the token each time before using it for a transaction.
To perform transactions you must use the Xsolla SDK as explained here.
Debug and Testing
Ad error
To check if an ad has encountered an error, you can directly use the condition Video ad had an error to bypass a moment in your game.
Catch any errors
To help debug your game and view errors or other responses from the SDK, you can use the expression Get last error wich returns a String.
If you want to check for a specific error, the condition with the same name can be used to filter parts of your events.
Use this expression alongside the console log action to capture errors in the debugger or display them in a text object.
Testing in the QA tool
To test ads and banners, your game needs to be uploaded to the QA Tool from the CrazyGames Developer Portal. Doing so will help you verify each action and expression to ensure your game functions correctly and meets the validation requirements for their gaming platform.
Learn more about all the events from the extension on the reference page.