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3D text

Display texts in 3D scenes.

Authors and contributors to this community extension: D8H.


This is an extension made by a community member — but not reviewed by the GDevelop extension team. As such, we can't guarantee it meets all the quality standards of official extensions. In case of doubt, contact the author to know more about what the extension does or inspect its content before using it.

Display texts with 3D position and rotation.


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3D text

A text in 3D.

Object actions

De/activate bold.

Change the color of the text.

Change the font of the text.

Font size
Change the font size of a text object.

De/activate italic.

Line spacing
Change the line spacing of the object.

Outline color
Change the outline color of the text.

Enable outline
Enable or disable the outline of the text.

Outline thickness
Change the outline thickness of the text.

Shadow angle
Change the shadow angle of the text.

Shadow blur radius
Change the shadow blur radius of the text.

Shadow color
Change the shadow color of the text.

Shadow distance
Change the shadow distance of the text.

Enable shadow
Enable or disable the shadow of the text.

Shadow opacity
Change the shadow opacity of the text.

Change the text alignment of a multiline text object.

De/activate word wrapping. Note that word wrapping is a graphical option, you can't get the number of lines displayed.

Wrapping width
Change the word wrapping width of a Text object.

Object conditions

Compare the color of the text.

Compare the font of the text.

Font size
Compare the font size of a text object.

Check if the boldstyle is activated.

Check if the italic style is activated.

Outline enabled
Check if the text outline is enabled.

Shadow enabled
Check if the text shadowis enabled.

Check if the word wrapping style of an object is set.

Line spacing
Compare the line spacing of the object.

Outline color
Compare the outline color of the text.

Outline thickness
Compare the outline thickness of the text.

Shadow angle
Compare the shadow angle of the text.

Shadow blur radius
Compare the shadow blur radius of the text.

Shadow color
Compare the shadow color of the text.

Shadow distance
Compare the shadow distance of the text.

Shadow opacity
Compare the shadow opacity of the text.

Compare the text alignment of a multiline text object.

Wrapping width
Compare the word wrapping width of a Text object.

Object expressions

Expression Description
Object.Color() Return the color of the text.
Object.Font() Return the font of the text.
Object.FontSize() Return the font size of a text object.
Object.LineSpacing() Return the line spacing of the object.
Object.OutlineColor() Return the outline color of the text.
Object.OutlineThickness() Return the outline thickness of the text.
Object.ShadowAngle() Return the shadow angle of the text.
Object.ShadowBlurRadius() Return the shadow blur radius of the text.
Object.ShadowColor() Return the shadow color of the text.
Object.ShadowDistance() Return the shadow distance of the text.
Object.ShadowOpacity() Return the shadow opacity of the text.
Object.TextAlignment() Return the text alignment of a multiline text object.
Object.WrappingWidth() Return the word wrapping width of a Text object.

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the 3D text extension, made by the community of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop community-made extensions here.