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Multitouch joystick and buttons (sprite)

Joysticks or buttons for touchscreens.

Authors and contributors to this community extension: VictrisGames, MelonDev, xellix, D8H.

Multitouch joysticks can be used the same way as physical gamepads:

  • 4 or 8 directions
  • Analogus pads
  • Player selection
  • Controls mapping for top-down movement and platformer characters

There are ready-to-use joysticks in the asset-store multitouch joysticks pack.



Learn how to install new extensions by following a step-by-step guide.


New touch on a screen side
Check if a new touch has started on the right or left side of the screen.

Multitouch controller button pressed
Check if a button is pressed on a gamepad.

Multitouch controller button released
Check if a button is released on a gamepad.

Joystick pushed in a direction (4-way)
Check if joystick is pushed in a given direction.

Joystick pushed in a direction (8-way)
Check if joystick is pushed in a given direction.

Stick force
Compare the force of multitouch contoller stick (from 0 to 1).


Expression Description
SpriteMultitouchJoystick::StickAngle(number, string) Return the angle the multitouch controller stick is pointing towards (Range: -180 to 180).
🔢 Number Multitouch controller identifier (1, 2, 3, 4...)
🔤 String Joystick name
SpriteMultitouchJoystick::StickForce(number, string) Return the force of multitouch contoller stick (from 0 to 1).
🔢 Number Multitouch controller identifier (1, 2, 3, 4...)
🔤 String Stick name
SpriteMultitouchJoystick::StickForceX(number, string) Return the multitouch contoller stick force on X axis (from -1 at the left to 1 at the right).
🔢 Number Multitouch controller identifier (1, 2, 3, 4...)
🔤 String Joystick name
SpriteMultitouchJoystick::StickForceY(number, string) Return the multitouch contoller stick force on Y axis (from -1 at the top to 1 at the bottom).
🔢 Number Multitouch controller identifier (1, 2, 3, 4...)
🔤 String Joystick name

Multitouch Joystick

Joystick for touchscreens.

Object actions

De/activate control
De/activate control of the joystick.

Multitouch controller identifier
Change the multitouch controller identifier (1, 2, 3, 4...).

Dead zone radius
Change the dead zone radius of the joystick (range: 0 to 1). The deadzone is an area for which movement on sticks won't be taken into account (instead, the stick will be considered as not moved).

Joystick name
Change the joystick name of the object.

Show and start pressing
Show the joystick until it is released.

Object conditions

Multitouch controller identifier
Compare the multitouch controller identifier (1, 2, 3, 4...).

Dead zone radius
Compare the dead zone radius of the joystick (range: 0 to 1). The deadzone is an area for which movement on sticks won't be taken into account (instead, the stick will be considered as not moved).

Joystick pushed in a direction (4-way movement)
Check if joystick is pushed in a given direction.

Joystick pushed in a direction (8-way movement)
Check if joystick is pushed in a given direction.

Stick pressed
Check if a stick is pressed.

Joystick name
Compare the joystick name of the object.

Stick force
Compare the strick force (from 0 to 1).

Stick X force
Compare the stick force on X axis (from -1 at the left to 1 at the right).

Stick Y force
Compare the stick force on Y axis (from -1 at the top to 1 at the bottom).

Object expressions

Expression Description
Object.ControllerIdentifier() Return the multitouch controller identifier (1, 2, 3, 4...).
Object.DeadZoneRadius() Return the dead zone radius of the joystick (range: 0 to 1). The deadzone is an area for which movement on sticks won't be taken into account (instead, the stick will be considered as not moved).
Object.JoystickIdentifier() Return the joystick name of the object.
Object.StickAngle() Return the angle the stick is pointing towards (from -180 to 180).
Object.StickForce() Return the strick force (from 0 to 1).
Object.StickForceX() Return the stick force on X axis (from -1 at the left to 1 at the right).
Object.StickForceY() Return the stick force on Y axis (from -1 at the top to 1 at the bottom).

First person camera multitouch controller mapper

Control camera rotations with a multitouch controller.

Behavior actions

Horizontal rotation acceleration
Change the horizontal rotation acceleration of the object.

Horizontal rotation deceleration
Change the horizontal rotation deceleration of the object.

Maximum horizontal rotation speed
Change the maximum horizontal rotation speed of the object.

Z position offset
Change the z position offset of the object.

Maximum vertical camera angle
Change the maximum vertical camera angle of the object.

Minimum vertical camera angle
Change the minimum vertical camera angle of the object.

Vertical rotation acceleration
Change the vertical rotation acceleration of the object.

Vertical rotation deceleration
Change the vertical rotation deceleration of the object.

Maximum vertical rotation speed
Change the maximum vertical rotation speed of the object.

Behavior conditions

Horizontal rotation acceleration
Compare the horizontal rotation acceleration of the object.

Horizontal rotation deceleration
Compare the horizontal rotation deceleration of the object.

Maximum horizontal rotation speed
Compare the maximum horizontal rotation speed of the object.

Z position offset
Compare the z position offset of the object.

Maximum vertical camera angle
Compare the maximum vertical camera angle of the object.

Minimum vertical camera angle
Compare the minimum vertical camera angle of the object.

Vertical rotation acceleration
Compare the vertical rotation acceleration of the object.

Vertical rotation deceleration
Compare the vertical rotation deceleration of the object.

Maximum vertical rotation speed
Compare the maximum vertical rotation speed of the object.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.FirstPersonMultitouchMapper::HorizontalRotationAcceleration() Return the horizontal rotation acceleration of the object.
Object.FirstPersonMultitouchMapper::HorizontalRotationDeceleration() Return the horizontal rotation deceleration of the object.
Object.FirstPersonMultitouchMapper::HorizontalRotationSpeedMax() Return the maximum horizontal rotation speed of the object.
Object.FirstPersonMultitouchMapper::OffsetZ() Return the z position offset of the object.
Object.FirstPersonMultitouchMapper::VerticalAngleMax() Return the maximum vertical camera angle of the object.
Object.FirstPersonMultitouchMapper::VerticalAngleMin() Return the minimum vertical camera angle of the object.
Object.FirstPersonMultitouchMapper::VerticalRotationAcceleration() Return the vertical rotation acceleration of the object.
Object.FirstPersonMultitouchMapper::VerticalRotationDeceleration() Return the vertical rotation deceleration of the object.
Object.FirstPersonMultitouchMapper::VerticalRotationSpeedMax() Return the maximum vertical rotation speed of the object.

Multitouch button

Detect button presses made on a touchscreen.

Behavior conditions

Button pressed
Check if button is pressed.

Button released
Check if button is released.

No expressions for this behavior.

3D platformer multitouch controller mapper

Control a 3D physics character with a multitouch controller.

No expressions for this behavior.

Platformer multitouch controller mapper

Control a platformer character with a multitouch controller.

No expressions for this behavior.

3D shooter multitouch controller mapper

Control a 3D physics character with a multitouch controller.

No expressions for this behavior.

Top-down multitouch controller mapper

Control a top-down character with a multitouch controller.

No expressions for this behavior.

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Multitouch joystick and buttons (sprite) extension, made by the community of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop community-made extensions here.