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Physics car

Simulate car motion with drifting.

Authors and contributors to this community extension: D8H.

Simulate car motion with the Physics 2 behavior.

The 3D car coin hunt game example uses this extension (open the project online).


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Physics car

Simulate car motion.

Behavior actions

Draw forces for debug
Draw forces applying on the car for debug purpose.

Change the acceleration of the object.

Maximum speed
Change the maximum speed of the object.

Steering angle
Change the steering angle of the object.

Maximum steering angle
Change the maximum steering angle of the object.

Sterring back speed
Change the sterring speed when turning back of the object.

Steering speed
Change the steering speed of the object.

Wheel grip ratio
Change the wheel grip ratio of the object (from 0 to 1). A ratio of 0 is like driving on ice.

Simulate acceleration stick
Simulate an acceleration stick for a given axis force.

Simulate down key press
Simulate a press of the down key.

Simulate left key press
Simulate a press of the left key.

Simulate right key press
Simulate a press of the right key.

Simulate steering stick
Simulate a steering stick for a given axis force.

Simulate up key press
Simulate a press of the up key.

Behavior conditions

Compare the acceleration of the object.

Maximum speed
Compare the maximum speed of the object.

Steering angle
Compare the steering angle of the object.

Maximum steering angle
Compare the maximum steering angle of the object.

Sterring back speed
Compare the sterring speed when turning back of the object.

Steering speed
Compare the steering speed of the object.

Wheel grip ratio
Compare the wheel grip ratio of the object (from 0 to 1). A ratio of 0 is like driving on ice.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.PhysicsCar::Acceleration() Return the acceleration of the object.
Object.PhysicsCar::SpeedMax() Return the maximum speed of the object.
Object.PhysicsCar::SteeringAngle() Return the steering angle of the object.
Object.PhysicsCar::SteeringAngleMax() Return the maximum steering angle of the object.
Object.PhysicsCar::SteeringBackSpeed() Return the sterring speed when turning back of the object.
Object.PhysicsCar::SteeringSpeed() Return the steering speed of the object.
Object.PhysicsCar::WheelGripRatio() Return the wheel grip ratio of the object (from 0 to 1). A ratio of 0 is like driving on ice.

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Physics car extension, made by the community of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop community-made extensions here.