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Object spawner area

Spawn (create) objects periodically.

Authors and contributors to this community extension: VictrisGames.

Spawn objects periodically based on the location of the spawner.

If "random position" is enabled, objects will spawn in a random position inside the spawner object. This allows the size of the spawner object to define an area that objects will spawn.

It can be used to create:

  • Enemies
  • NPCs
  • Environmental objects

Note: Offset properties were deprecated in version 1.0.0.


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Object spawner

Spawn (create) objects periodically.

Behavior actions

Restart spawning cooldown
Restart the cooldown of a spawner.

Max objects in the scene (per spawner)
Change the max objects in the scene (per spawner) of the object. Limits the number of objects in the scene that were created by this spawner. Set this to 0 for no limit.

Use random positions
Enable (or disable) random positions. Useful for making large spawner areas.

Spawn period
Change the spawn period (in seconds).

Spawner capacity
Change the number of objects that can be created by this spawner. This is reduced everytime an objects is spawned.

Unlimited object capacity
Change unlimited capacity of spawner.

Spawn objects periodically
Spawn (create) objects periodically. This action must be run every frame to work. When the max quantity is reached and an instance is deleted, the spawner waits the duration of the spawn period before creating another instance. Spawned objects are automatically linked to the spawner.

Behavior conditions

Max objects in the scene (per spawner)
Compare the max objects in the scene (per spawner) of the object. Limits the number of objects in the scene that were created by this spawner. Set this to 0 for no limit.

Object was just spawned
Check if an object has just been created by this spawner. Useful for triggering visual and sound effects.

Use random positions
Check if using random positions. Useful for making large spawner areas.

Spawner capacity
Compare the number of objects that can be created by this spawner. This is reduced everytime an objects is spawned.

Unlimited capacity
Check if spawner has unlimited capacity.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.ObjectSpawner::MaxQuantity() Return the max objects in the scene (per spawner) of the object. Limits the number of objects in the scene that were created by this spawner. Set this to 0 for no limit.
Object.ObjectSpawner::SpawnPeriod() Return the spawn period (in seconds).
Object.ObjectSpawner::SpawnerCapacity() Return the number of objects that can be created by this spawner. This is reduced everytime an objects is spawned.
Object.ObjectSpawner::TimeBeforeSpawn() Return the remaining time before the next spawn (in seconds). Useful for triggering visual and sound effects.

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Object spawner area extension, made by the community of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop community-made extensions here.