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Hedgehog platformer

Jump and run on platforms at 360°.

Authors and contributors to this community extension: Kennoir, UnknownUney, D8H.


This is an extension made by a community member — but not reviewed by the GDevelop extension team. As such, we can't guarantee it meets all the quality standards of official extensions. In case of doubt, contact the author to know more about what the extension does or inspect its content before using it.

A platformer engine for Sonic-like games.

A small demo shows how to use this extension (open the project online).


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Character is on given platform
Check if a platformer character is on a given platform.

Character is pushing platform
Check if a platformer character is pushing against a platform.

Hedgehog platformer character

Jump and run on platforms at 360°.

Behavior actions

Follow current platform
Follow the current platform.

Movement angle
Check if the movement angle is around a given direction.

Air drag
Change the air drag of the object. The air drag reduce the speed on X axis.

Air drag min speed Y
Change the air drag min speed Y of the object.

Airborne acceleration
Change the acceleration when the object is in the air.

Allow jumping again
When this action is executed, the object is able to jump again, even if it is in the air: this can be useful to allow a double jump for example. This is not a permanent effect: you must call again this action every time you want to allow the object to jump (apart if it's on the floor).

Forbid jumping again in the air
This revokes the effect of "Allow jumping again". The object is made unable to jump while in mid air. This has no effect if the object is not in the air.

Collision layer
Change the collision layer of the object, only interacts with hedgehog platforms of the same layer.

Change the deceleration of the object when changing of direction on the ground.

Downwards slope factor
Change the acceleration when running down a slope. The actual deceleration applied to the character depends on how steep the slope is.

Change the friction of the object. The friction is a deceleration when there is no input.

Change the gravity of the object.

Grounded acceleration
Change the acceleration when the object is on the ground.

Jump height reducer
Change the Jump height reducer factor of the object.

Jump speed
Change the jump speed of the object.

Max speed
Change the max speed of the object while grounded.

Running lock remaining duration
Change the duration during which the character can't run left or right.

Rotate the object
Enable or disable rotation of the character when moving on the ground of falling from the ceilling.

Change the current speed of the object. The speed can be negative when the object is on the ground.

Horizontal speed
Change the current horizontal speed of the object. The object is automatically set in airborne state.

Vertical speed
Change the current vertical speed of the object. The object is automatically set in airborne state.

Stand max angle
Change the stand max angle of the object. Allow characters to fully stop on not too steep floors.

Upwards slope factor
Change the deceleration factor when running up a slope. The actual deceleration applied to the character depends on how steep the slope is.

Simulate jump key press
Simulate a press of the jump key.

Simulate left key press
Simulate a press of the left key.

Simulate right key press
Simulate a press of the right key.

Behavior conditions

Air drag
Compare the air drag of the object. The air drag reduce the speed on X axis.

Air drag min speed Y
Compare the air drag min speed Y of the object.

Airborne acceleration
Compare the acceleration when the object is in the air.

Can jump
Check if the object can jump.

Collision layer
Compare the collision layer of the object, only interacts with hedgehog platforms of the same layer. .

Compare the deceleration of the object when changing of direction on the ground.

Downwards slope factor
Compare the acceleration when running down a slope. The actual deceleration applied to the character depends on how steep the slope is.

Compare the friction of the object. The friction is a deceleration when there is no input.

Compare the gravity of the object.

Grounded acceleration
Compare the acceleration when the object is on the ground.

Is facing forward
Check if the character is facing forward.

Is jumping
Check if the object is in the air because of a jump.

Is moving
Checks if the object is moving.

Is on floor
Check if the object is on a platform.

Is on left ledge
Check if the object is on the left ledge of a platform.

Is on right ledge
Check if the object is on the right ledge of a platform.

Is pushing
Check if the object is pushing againgst a wall.

Is slipping
Check if the object is slipping.

Control pressed or simulated
A control was applied from a default control or simulated by an action.

Jump height reducer
Compare the Jump height reducer factor of the object.

Jump speed
Compare the jump speed of the object.

Max speed
Compare the max speed of the object while grounded.

Running lock remaining duration
Compare the duration during which the character can't run left or right.

Rotate the object
Check if the character is rotated while moving on the ground of falling from the ceilling.

Compare the current speed of the object. The speed can be negative when the object is on the ground.

Horizontal speed
Compare the current horizontal speed of the object. The object is automatically set in airborne state.

Vertical speed
Compare the current vertical speed of the object. The object is automatically set in airborne state.

Stand max angle
Compare the stand max angle of the object. Allow characters to fully stop on not too steep floors.

Upwards slope factor
Compare the deceleration factor when running up a slope. The actual deceleration applied to the character depends on how steep the slope is.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.HedgehogCharacter::AirDrag() Return the air drag of the object. The air drag reduce the speed on X axis.
Object.HedgehogCharacter::AirDragMinSpeedY() Return the air drag min speed Y of the object.
Object.HedgehogCharacter::AirborneAcceleration() Return the acceleration when the object is in the air.
Object.HedgehogCharacter::CollisionLayer() Return the collision layer of the object, only interacts with hedgehog platforms of the same layer. .
Object.HedgehogCharacter::Deceleration() Return the deceleration of the object when changing of direction on the ground.
Object.HedgehogCharacter::DownSlopeFactor() Return the acceleration when running down a slope. The actual deceleration applied to the character depends on how steep the slope is.
Object.HedgehogCharacter::Friction() Return the friction of the object. The friction is a deceleration when there is no input.
Object.HedgehogCharacter::Gravity() Return the gravity of the object.
Object.HedgehogCharacter::GroundedAcceleration() Return the acceleration when the object is on the ground.
Object.HedgehogCharacter::JumpReducer() Return the Jump height reducer factor of the object.
Object.HedgehogCharacter::JumpSpeed() Return the jump speed of the object.
Object.HedgehogCharacter::MaxSpeed() Return the max speed of the object while grounded.
Object.HedgehogCharacter::MovementAngle() Return the angle (in degrees) in which the object is moving at.
Object.HedgehogCharacter::RunningLockRemainingDuration() Return the duration during which the character can't run left or right.
Object.HedgehogCharacter::Speed() Return the current speed of the object. The speed can be negative when the object is on the ground.
Object.HedgehogCharacter::SpeedX() Return the current horizontal speed of the object. The object is automatically set in airborne state.
Object.HedgehogCharacter::SpeedY() Return the current vertical speed of the object. The object is automatically set in airborne state.
Object.HedgehogCharacter::StandMaxAngle() Return the stand max angle of the object. Allow characters to fully stop on not too steep floors.
Object.HedgehogCharacter::UpSlopeFactor() Return the deceleration factor when running up a slope. The actual deceleration applied to the character depends on how steep the slope is.

Hedgehog character animator

Change animations and horizontal flipping of hedgehog characters automatically.

No expressions for this behavior.

Hedgehog character rolling

Toggle rolling mode.

Behavior actions

Simulate roll key press
Simulate a press of the Roll key. When characters stand still, they chouch instead of rolling.

Simulate spindash key press
Simulate a press of the spindash key.

Simulate spindash or jump key press
Simulate a press of the Spindash key when the character is crouching or the jump key otherwise.

Behavior conditions

Started a spindash
Check if the character has just started a spindash.

Is charging a spindash
Check if the character is charging a spindash.

Is crouching
Check if the character is crouching.

Is rolling
Check if the character is rolling.

No expressions for this behavior.

Hedgehog platform

Flag objects as being platforms which characters can run on.

No expressions for this behavior.

Hedgehog spring

Push hedgehog characters.

Behavior actions

Push character
Make the spring push the character.

Behavior conditions

Can push
Check if the spring can push the character.

No expressions for this behavior.

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Hedgehog platformer extension, made by the community of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop community-made extensions here.