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Auto typing animation for text ("typewriter" effect)

Reveal a text one letter after the other.

Authors and contributors to this community extension: Bouh, VictrisGames.

Reveal a text one letter after the other (a "typewriter" effect).

It can be used for dialogue scenes or visual novels.

The top-down RPG example uses this extension (open the project online).


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Auto typing text

Animate text to simulate it being written one character at at time (a "typewriter" effect).

Behavior actions

Time between characters
Change the time between characters being typed.

Jump to a specific position in the text
Jump to a specific position in the text. Positions start at "0" and increase by one for every character.

Pause auto typing
Pause animation auto typing.

Resume after pause
Resume auto typing after pause.

Skip to the end of the text
Skip to the end of the text.

Start at the beginning of the text
Start at the beginning of text. When the text changes, the automatic typing starts again from the beginning with the new text.

Behavior conditions

New text character was just displayed
Detect when a new text character is displayed. Useful for triggering sound effects.

Auto typing finished
Execute actions when the auto typing text ends.

Typing on pause
Detect if the auto typing is on pause.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.BBText_AutoTyping::CurrentCharacter() Return the text character that was last displayed.
Object.BBText_AutoTyping::CurrentCharacterIndex() Return the index of the text character that was last displayed.

Auto typing text

Animate text to simulate it being written one character at at time (a "typewriter" effect).

Behavior actions

Time between characters
Change the time between characters being typed.

Jump to a specific position in the text
Jump to a specific position in the text. Positions start at "0" and increase by one for every character.

Pause auto typing
Pause animation auto typing.

Resume after pause
Resume auto typing after pause.

Skip to the end of the text
Skip to the end of the text.

Start at the beginning of the text
Start at the beginning of text. When the text changes, the automatic typing starts again from the beginning with the new text.

Behavior conditions

New text character was just displayed
Detect when a new text character is displayed. Useful for triggering sound effects.

Auto typing finished
Execute actions when the auto typing text ends.

Typing on pause
Detect if the auto typing is on pause.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.BitmapText_AutoTyping::CurrentCharacter() Return the text character that was last displayed.
Object.BitmapText_AutoTyping::CurrentCharacterIndex() Return the index of the text character that was last displayed.

Auto typing text

Animate text to simulate it being written one character at at time (a "typewriter" effect).

Behavior actions

Time between characters
Change the time between characters being typed.

Jump to a specific position in the text
Jump to a specific position in the text. Positions start at "0" and increase by one for every character.

Pause auto typing
Pause animation auto typing.

Resume after pause
Resume auto typing after pause.

Skip to the end of the text
Skip to the end of the text.

Start at the beginning of the text
Start at the beginning of text. When the text changes, the automatic typing starts again from the beginning with the new text.

Behavior conditions

New text character was just displayed
Detect when a new text character is displayed. Useful for triggering sound effects.

Auto typing finished
Execute actions when the auto typing text ends.

Typing on pause
Detect if the auto typing is on pause.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.Text_AutoTyping::CurrentCharacter() Return the text character that was last displayed.
Object.Text_AutoTyping::CurrentCharacterIndex() Return the index of the text character that was last displayed.

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Auto typing animation for text ("typewriter" effect) extension, made by the community of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop community-made extensions here.