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Device sensors Reference

Allow the game to access the sensors of a mobile device. Read more explanations about it.


Activate motion sensor
Activate the motion sensor. (remember to turn it off again)

Activate orientation sensor
Activate the orientation sensor. (remember to turn it off again)

Deactivate motion sensor
Deactivate the motion sensor.

Deactivate orientation sensor
Deactivate the orientation sensor.


Compare the value of acceleration on X-axis
Compare the value of acceleration on the X-axis (m/s²).

Compare the value of acceleration on Y-axis
Compare the value of acceleration on the Y-axis (m/s²).

Compare the value of acceleration on Z-axis
Compare the value of acceleration on the Z-axis (m/s²).

Sensor active
The condition is true if the device motion sensor is currently active

Compare the value of orientation alpha
Compare the value of orientation alpha. (Range: 0 to 360°)

Compare the value of orientation beta
Compare the value of orientation beta. (Range: -180 to 180°)

Compare the value of orientation gamma
Compare the value of orientation gamma. (Range: -90 to 90°)

Sensor active
The condition is true if the device orientation sensor is currently active

Compare the value of rotation alpha
Compare the value of rotation alpha. (Note: few devices support this sensor)

Compare the value of rotation beta
Compare the value of rotation beta. (Note: few devices support this sensor)

Compare the value of rotation gamma
Compare the value of rotation gamma. (Note: few devices support this sensor)


Expression Description
DeviceSensors::AccelerationX() Get the devices acceleration on the X-axis (m/s²)
DeviceSensors::AccelerationY() Get the devices acceleration on the Y-axis (m/s²)
DeviceSensors::AccelerationZ() Get the devices acceleration on the Z-axis (m/s²)
DeviceSensors::OrientationAbsolute() Get if the devices orientation is absolute and not relative
DeviceSensors::OrientationAlpha() Get the devices orientation Alpha (compass)
DeviceSensors::OrientationBeta() Get the devices orientation Beta
DeviceSensors::OrientationGamma() Get the devices orientation Gamma value
DeviceSensors::RotationAlpha() Get the devices rotation Alpha
DeviceSensors::RotationBeta() Get the devices rotation Beta
DeviceSensors::RotationGamma() Get the devices rotation Gamma

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Device sensors feature of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop features here.